Jessica Alba has claimed she would never go nude for a movie role. While you would think it was because of some inner moral standards about appearing naked on film, she says it has to do with her Catholic background. According to Contact Music, Jessica Alba said,
“I will never do a nude scene in a movie - not ever. I can act sexy and I can wear sexy clothes but I can’t go naked. I think I was always very uncomfortable about the way my body developed.”
“I come from a Catholic family and it wasn’t seen as good to flaunt yourself. I can handle being sexy with clothes on but not with them off.”
Wow. This is an absolute shock. We’ve never heard Jessica Alba say how uncomfortable she is with being sexy aside from this one time, and this other time. Leave it to the Church to screw things up. They can make little boys feel sexy but not the girls. Thanks Father McPedophile.
And now here are movie stills from Jessica Alba’s latest movie “Awake.” For someone who doesn’t plan to go nude, she is half-naked in these pictures:
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